Applying an Automated Tuning Wizard

Our Automated Tuning Wizards are designed to help you tune quicker. The wizards are automatically applied to your file by our system in a matter of seconds, based on stored modifications we have produced for similar files.

Unlike many automated tuning solutions, our system doesn't simply return a previously tuned file from our database. Instead, the system uses its understanding of the positions of every map in your file to apply dynamic modifications to the original file you uploaded. This means you can apply multiple independent wizards to the same file and then fine tun the resulting modifications manually in our online file editor.

Upload and Activate Your Project

First ensure that your file is covered by our Compatibility List and then get started by uploading and activating your project. We've covered creating a project here.

Once you've activated your project, select the 'Automated Tuning' option.

Base Wizards

Base Wizards override any existing modifications that have been made to your file and are designed to give you a starting point from which to tune. Examples include Stage 1 and Stage 2.

Most of our Stage 1 Base Wizards are accompanied by a dyno graph and an expected performance increase.

Feature Wizards

Feature Wizards can be layered on top of your base wizard to add additional options to the stage tune. These commonly include options such as:

  • Overrun Crackles
  • Catalyst Monitoring Off
  • Catalyst Heating Off
  • Sports Display Options
  • HC Limiter Options
  • MAP Sensor Options

You can select as many Feature Wizards as you like.

Request a Wizard

If there is a wizard that you need that isn't currently supported for your vehicle then simply raise a support ticket to request it. Our engineers will try to prioritise adding it for you.

Apply Wizards

Once you've selected the wizards you wish to use just click 'Apply Wizards'. Our system will automatically make the necessary modifications to your file in a matter of seconds.

Next Steps

Now that your wizards have been applied you can view the exact changes that have been made in our online file editor - modified maps are easily found in the 'My Maps' tab. For peek performance we recommend that you use the editor to tweak the modifications made by our wizards to your exact requirements.

Finally, return to the main projects window to export your modified file. You can make changes and export the file as many times as you like.


As automated tuning is one of our paid features you'll need to upgrade to our Pro Subscription (€149 per month) in order to export your file. Alternatively you can pay on a project-by-project basis (€25 per project).

You can apply automated tuning wizards and view them in the online file editor before you pay. You only pay once you're satisfied with the tune and want to export the project.